Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Destination Darfur
So. I have recently discovered an organization called HELPSudan International. They were formed by The Lost Boys of The Sudan. Why, you may ask, did I find them? I found them because I have really wanted to go to the Sudan, specifically the Darfur region, for a long time. I started reading this book called A Billion Lives by the former UN Undersecretary for Humanitarian Affairs and Former UN Emergency Relief Chief Jan Egeland and in the book he talks about the Sudan. In the story he talks about a women who has come to a hospital because the Janjaweed had come into her hut and terrorized her and her children and shot her 2 year old in the neck. The only way the child survived was because they were taken to the hospital by the local chief and was abel to get immediate medical attention. The sad thing is that this is not uncommon. Women and children are the ones who are getting the brunt of the violence. They are raped because the soldiers feel like it and they are being beat because they are weaker. They are the reason I want to go there. To do something to make a difference in the lives and the women and children of the Sudan.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Good Times
So this weekend I went over to my friend Bethanie's house and we went to the mall and out to lunch and went and got our nails done. I think that it was the most fun that I have had in a long time. We talked about old times in 9th and 10th grade and how dumb we were. For example the language of Ong...yeah don't don't want to know. YCJCYAD...Yaks Can Jump Canyons Yeah Adam really stands for Your Curiosity Just Cost You A pay up...I am not kidding I am a broke college student I don't make jokes. We talked about the guys we like and why we seemed to like the ones that were complete jerks or adorkable© (my word, its copy righted). It was so much fun. I am really glad that I am connecting with all of my old friends from high school here in GA. I really have missed them over the years and have thought about them a lot (some I am not sure why I have thought about them?) But hey I like that I am in touch with them now and I think that it is for a good reason that they are coming back into my life...
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Old Things Made New
So I did something that I haven't done since the summer or maybe before I went to Europe...I put labels on envelopes for my parents newsletter. Yeah I know...My mom would be so proud if she were here and not in Haiti. The amazing thing is that I offered to do it to! I find that to be a small miracle. Maybe God will make another miracle tomorrow when I go see my dad...
Sunday, March 2, 2008

So I think that I have decided that I am not the biggest fan of the Skype Internet Phone System. I mean it is a great thing when it works but, when it doesn't it is just annoying. I am not so happy with it when it cuts me off mid sentence when I am trying to tell my mother something important. Thats annoying. I really don't like when it refuses to dial or call when it is the only way that I can see and physically talk o my mother. iChat is not a great thing either but it connects and stays connected but for some reason the video does not work. I guess I will just have to deal with Skype until something better comes along or I can actually go to Haiti and see my mother. It would also help if my mother got online...then there wouldn't be issues with mommy withdrawals.
You and me God. Right?
So, Haiti. A far away distant place right? No, not really. Being a two hour plane ride from any airport in Florida and the fact that my family is currently living there, makes it very close to my heart. My family moved there in November 2007. A few days after Thanksgiving actually. We had been going back and forth for seven years and with the sewing program and the women's program starting up, it would get rather expensive. So why not make it your permanent place of residence...BECAUSE ALYSSA IS IN COLLEGE AND CAN'T GO WITH THATS WHY NOT! No really its great. I get to go more often and get to be there and it is a great. It s one of the most amazing places that I have ever been to. The people are great and it is so some areas. So are you considering moving yet? So quit your job...oh yeah that thing that seems to be eluing me right need one of those don't you? Well all you have to do is pack up your stuff, ship it all through customs, and trust God that he will provide all for you...God do you want to tell me the plan ahead of time? *silence* No? Didn't think so...IT WOULD BE HELPFUL! *silence* No? OK then...So it has been 4 months now that my family has been there and they are headed to their 5 month, unlike me who is almost done with her first year of college and still has 3 more to go and... GOD! PLAN! *silence* Guess I'll wait then. Not that I am going to like it or anything. Without my mommy, alone in Nascar Central, which would make NAscar the biggest sporting event of the year or whenever it is on ( I never really considered it a sport and still don't...its more of a talent driving at 200 mph)...PLAN! No? HELLO!? OK then, I'll wait. I won't like it. I guess with a BS or whatevs I can do more in Haiti than without it and get more help with it to... now only if lee would stop trying to get me married...sorry ADD... But the whole starting a school thing is all that I know of any plan that has been set in motion, all I know of any grand cosmic plan so far. WANT TO TELL ME SOME MORE OF THIS PLAN YOU HAVE GOD? FILL ME IN JUST A BIT? *silence* I am really getting tired of not getting an answer there God...*silence* Fine be that way...I mean... I guess that I will wait here patiently until I hear something rather than nothing. I suppose waiting for you to tell me what to do it better than me trying to do it is also like watching the grass grow...I mean...ehggg...cause we both know how it ends up if I do it myself...I WOLD STILL LIKE TO KNOW!!! HELLO!!! *silence* Ok, you and me God. Right?
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