Saturday, March 8, 2008

Good Times

So this weekend I went over to my friend Bethanie's house and we went to the mall and out to lunch and went and got our nails done. I think that it was the most fun that I have had in a long time. We talked about old times in 9th and 10th grade and how dumb we were. For example the language of Ong...yeah don't don't want to know. YCJCYAD...Yaks Can Jump Canyons Yeah Adam really stands for Your Curiosity Just Cost You A pay up...I am not kidding I am a broke college student I don't make jokes. We talked about the guys we like and why we seemed to like the ones that were complete jerks or adorkable© (my word, its copy righted). It was so much fun. I am really glad that I am connecting with all of my old friends from high school here in GA. I really have missed them over the years and have thought about them a lot (some I am not sure why I have thought about them?) But hey I like that I am in touch with them now and I think that it is for a good reason that they are coming back into my life...

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