I think about a lot of things. I say think when that is not what I really mean. What I mean I don't think has a word. My thoughts stay in my head until they are resolved, the word is not obsession. I would like to not think about these things so much, it would be nice to have a nights sleep where I don't wake up going "Oh crap!!". Not all of my nights are like that sometimes I lay in bed until I fall asleep. I just lay there, thinking. Not of anything in-particular but just of how the day went, what I am doing the next day or why I can never fall asleep when that is my goal.
As of late my thoughts have been on this dinner. I may have mentioned it once of twice before...it keeps me up because of all of the things that need to be done before December 5th. This seems to be consuming my life right now. This and classes. I am not sure what possessed me to take on such a monstrous task. Now that I think of it, it never looked this big. I never realized how much planning goes into something like this. Next week I think that I may be up for 120 hours straight. There is so much to be done. In the end I know that it will be good and we will be in Haiti and things will be amazing. The problem is that the wonder and amazement is not the end result for me right now. I am sure it will be when the dinner is over but as of right now the wonder and amazement is that I am able to get up at 8:30 for my 9 am class and then be up until 2 am and do it again the next day. All I can say is that God has to be there holding me up because I am sure that by myself I cannot run on 4-6 hours of sleep for 3 months straight, that is the wonder and amazement.
And I know that this picture for this blog has nothing to do with this blog but it is what popped up when I typed in wonder and amazement into the google bar. So I thought it worked just fine.
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