Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Birthday Wishes

So here is a list of things that I want for my birthday: DONATIONS!! But not to me... Instead of buying me a gift use that money to help others.

These are the two organizations that I want my birthday wishes/donations to go to:

 1) The Apparent Project:
           https://www.facebook.com/pages/ApParent-Project/226978225284 (Facebook page) 

            https://www.causes.com/causes/335464-the-apparent-project-the-arts-advovating-for-the-poor (Facebook cause page. ^You can so make a doantion here^)
            http://www.apparentproject.org/ (This is their website. You can also donate here OR you can buy a awesome piece of jewlery that is hand made in Haiti by the artisans that they employ!)

 2) God's Plumbline Ministries:
           http://godsplumblineministries.blogspot.com/ (this is their blog that you can follow or find out more information about them)

            http://www.causes.com/causes/99725-god-s-plumbline-ministries (this is their facebook cause page and you can so make a doantion here!)

 3) Haitian Creations: Created by Heartline Ministries Haiti (https://www.facebook.com/HeartlineHaiti) and God's Plumbline Ministries.

               http://www.haitiancreations.com/ (you can get an awesome shirt, purse or some jewlery!)